Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Covid Update
Covid Update
In 2020 we are not able to attend any markets until the safety measurements from the government are allowing us to go back to more "normal" sales. You can find most of our products at the Cariboo Keepsakes Store in Quesnel, located across the Walking Bridge at the corner of Front Street and Carson Avenue in the old Hudson's Bay building. Personalized orders are still possible. Please contact us via email: winter.photo@live.com

​Harvest Festival
​Harvest Festival
Join our community on October 26. 2019
from 10a​m to 2pm
as we celebrate Autumn with our friends and neighbors!
We will host several vendors, a delicious concession, games, activities, raffles and great company!
Winter Photo will surprise you with a couple of new products and we are collecting your Christmas orders.
For details:

Halloween S​pecial ​
Halloween S​pecial ​
Halloween is in the Air!
We would like to make it extra sweet for the kids (between 6 and 17 years old). Let them take a spooky picture from a Halloween decoration, from an extra spooky outfit or else. Send the picture to us via messenger on our Facebook page: @WinterPhoto2006 or e-mail to winter.photo@live.com!
Every picture will win a Halloween goody bag!
Please share with your friends and family!
Last day to send in pictures:
Sunday, October 27th, 2019.